How I invest, and how to pitch me

How I invest, and how to pitch me

I am going to tell you exactly what you need to do to get your startup in front of me, and who I will (or will not) invest in.

First things first:

I don’t put money into startups anymore. Only sweat/service. So if you need money, please move on now.

Second thing:

I use this basic EASE Agreement with any startup I work with. Feel free to download it and become familiar with what I prefer, what I will do for your startup, and where the agreement will be governed (Utah).

Third thing:

If you haven’t at least read the first 2 items, don’t expect a response.

Last thing:

Connect with me on Linkedin. I don’t accept email pitches, only Linkedin DMs. Anyone who connects with me will get a very quick accept, and a scheduled appointment if they’ve followed all 3 of my items above.